NSCAA Soccer Coaching Bible


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The National Soccer Coaches Association of America assembled an all-star lineup of 30 top coaches to bring you the most complete collection of soccer insight ever put into print. The Soccer Coaching Bible covers every important aspect of coaching the sport, including coaching priorities and principles, program building and enrichment, practice management, technical and tactical instruction, player and team development, and career growth.
Whether you coach at the club, high school, or college level, The Soccer Coaching Bible is an essential addition to your coaching library.

Contributing Coaches Include:
Cliff McGrath
George Perry
John Rennie
Lauren Gregg
Ron McEachen
Peter Mellor
Peter Gooding
Jay Martin
Chris Petrucelli
Schellas Hyndman
Anson Dorrance
Joe Bean
Mike Jacobs
Jeff Tipping
Layton Shoemaker
Tony Waiters
Al Miller
Miller Bugliari
Colleen Hacker
Tony DiCicco
Steve Sampson
Charlie Slagle
Joe Morrone
Barry Gorman
Jim Lennox
Jay Hoffman
Tracey Leone
Tim Schum
Jeff Vennell
Glen Myernick


Item Number: 1210
Length: 316 Pages
Available Format: Book